Monster hunter riders episodes
Monster hunter riders episodes

Keep in mind that Riders may have one or multiple monsties, this can imply that the Monsties are hidden near the characterĪ monstie could have been mistaken by nearby hunters for a Wild monster and caught without the knowledge of the rider, specially if this monstie was of an element not natural of it and in an environment not natural for its species to usually be around Hunters may have in fact hunted down Monsties, either on purpose or not I just think that the aspect of wether or not they kill is an aspect in wether or not which they are, is kinda like a spectrum but very much divided still as one Rides Monsters while the other doesnt. This detail is the one that i believe truly divides what being a Hunter and what being a Rider is, its not just if you wish to have a monster companion, but if you wish to help nature without killing the monster or killing the monsterĬannonically i believe the player Rider doesnt kill a single monster they fight, however due to gameplay the opposite is impliedĬannot say however that a Rider cannot kill a monster without mercy, just like a Hunter can have mercy and try its best to not kill or harm the monster. Riders on the other hand interfere with the Monster and do not kill nor Harm it unless it is absolutely necessary for the survival of the area affected Hunters directly hunt down the monster till death, or capture them for farther research which also means death for the creature. Riders and Hunters both, i believe, do a similar, if not the same, job in keeping the balance of nature, all be it in their own ways, being the thing that truly brings them together. Im also willing to add that the opposite can also happen, Riders which do not care about their monsties and Hunters that care deeply about the monster they are hunting down This is farther proven in Stories 1 with Cheval, who was a rider that didn’t care about his monsties until farther in the game’s plot he realized this bond him and his monstie, Rathi, carried Its like us in the real world and how the some of us get to feel more towards other living creatures other than humans, same can be said in the opposite manner

monster hunter riders episodes monster hunter riders episodes

Hunters dont get this luxury of getting to know monsters more directly, thus they see them more as animals most of the time, and treat them as such, not caring about their feelings nor wellbeing. Riders are more in tune towards the monster, knowing the monsters in a more in-depth and social way than Hunters makes them more worry ‘bout the Monsters’ emotions, feelings, and well being Riders and Hunters imo are very similar, however their approach towards their goal stem from where they come from, and this is what puts them apart


What cultural differences do you think Riders/Hunters have? They did live separately after all.įeel free to suggest other in-topic questions in the responses! I just really want to talk about this ok.

monster hunter riders episodes

What events could have occurred to make Riders live away from the larger civilization of Hunters? What makes a Rider and a Hunter different or the same, besides the obvious?ĭo you think the average Rider really hunts as much as a Hunter does?ĭo you think, in the past, Hunters have hunted Monsties? On accident or on purpose? That said, I want your thoughts of several questions, if you feel like talking about them.

monster hunter riders episodes

I could probably talk more about the differences that Hunters/Riders have for days, but I'll talk about what pops up in the comments so long as it's, you know, relevant. I can only assume people are basing this off how the Player in MHst (and presumably, MHst 2) act, however the Player isn't going to act like the average/npc Rider, right? (Similarly, I'm sure the Player in mainstream games do feats that the average/nps hunter can't do.) I've read people saying that 'Riders hunt just as much as Hunters do'/'Riders aren't that much different, they just hunt monsters with monsters' and I don't think that's necessarily a fair statement to make. You see, I think Riders are more different from Hunters than some people may think. Thanks to the soon-to-come release of MHst 2, I've finally mustered up the desire to actually start the conversation myself! OK, ok, so I've been wanting to talk about the relationship of Hunters and Riders for years now, ever since I first started playing MHst.

Monster hunter riders episodes