Blood of heroes xbox one
Blood of heroes xbox one

blood of heroes xbox one

So, even though there are loads of events to enter, set across a few differently styled arenas, playing those three unchanging modes time after time gets highly monotonous and kills enjoyment quickly. That all sounds decent enough, albeit highly unoriginal, but where the game ultimately fails is that it offers only 3 different modes to partake in: checkpoint race, capture the skull (hold onto the skull for the longest time), and a “lets shoot at things” mode where you win by blowing up the most zombies or the most cars. The meat of the single player game is tournament mode, where you pick a character from a stereotypical lineup of rogues – whose attributes seem to be limited to slow speed but with strong armor, or fast with weak armor. It is a simple effort, based around the arena based car combat of those games that was all the rage a decade or so ago. The game models itself after the retro stylings of Carmageddon and Destruction Derby, with a bit of Twisted Metal thrown in for luck. However, even if you turn your brain off at the door, which is a necessity to enjoy such an absurd game, it is hard to find much to like about Blood Drive. If you squint (a lot), you can kind of see where the developer, Sidhe (previously of Shatter fame), could have got excited upon its initial conception shooting at, and blowing up countless cars, whilst mowing down a dizzying amount of zombies should great fun. The further I forced myself past that point, the more I soured against the few things the game did right.Įssentially, the initial concept seems much more interesting than what the final product turned out to be. The sad fact for Blood Drive is that this moment comes after only 15 minutes play. No matter how good or bad a game is, there is always a moment when it peaks, and you feel like you’ve seen everything of worth it has to offer.

Blood of heroes xbox one